RESPONSES TO 2§ OPENING, Based on Kokish System
Strong, artificial and game-forcing except if rebidding 2NT after 2¨ response
2¨* : zero or one control
2©* : two controls
2ª* : three or more controls
2NT* : any AKQ1073, AKJ1064, AQJ1052, KQJ1086 or longer
3X* : transfer to next higher suit: AKJ865, AQJ973, KQJ872 or longer
3NT* : solid six card or longer suit
4X : broken eight card suit
Where an ace is two controls; a king is one.
2§ – 2¨*
2©* : hearts, second suit possible, or balanced game force, unrelated to hearts
2ª : natural, game-forcing, nine plus tricks
2NT : 23-24 HCP, semi-balanced
3m : natural, ten plus tricks
3M : four major and five or more diamond, game force
4§ : 5=4=0=4, game force, responder’s 4¨: ”unbiddable” extras for M; 4NT same for clubs
4¨ : 5=4=4=0, game force, responder’s 5§: ”unbiddable” extras for M; 4NT same for diamonds
4M : signoff, too many controls missing, responder may bid with side void
2§ – 2¨*
2©* – ?
2ª : relay
2NT* : six spades
3§ : six clubs
3¨* : six diamonds and three hearts
3©* : six spades and three hearts
3ª* : six clubs and three hearts
All show a long suit headed by the king or queen-jack; else go via “normal” 2ª
2§ – 2¨*
2©* – 2ª
2NT : balanced
3§ : one-suited heart two-bid inappropriate for jump to 3NT
3¨ : hearts and diamonds
3© : hearts and secondary spades
3ª : hearts and clubs
3NT : hearts, no slam, nine tricks
4X : hearts and void (AK5, AKQJ742, KQ10, —), looking for help in side suits
2§ – 2¨*
2ª – ?
3NT* : any splinter for spades; 4§ asks (Romex Responses)
4X* : fit jump, Q10752 or better, with at least Hxx of spades
2§ – 2¨*
3§ – ?
3¨* : artificial, opener may introduce four-card major, play notrump from right side,
jump-shift* : splinter raise of minor, might be only three trumps as 3§ is very strong
2§ – 2¨*
3¨ – ?
3© : natural (opener does not have a four hearts and six diamonds hand
jump-shift* : splinter raise of minor, might be only three trumps as 3§ is very strong
2§ – 2M*
2NT Wide variety of balanced and quasi-balanced hands, allowing implementation of "2NT"
structure. If opener later asks for controls, first step is zero after 2¨ response,
three after 2ª response, but over specific 2© (two controls), responder shows queens
by number 0/1/2
2§ – 2ª*
3© – 4© F1; three plus controls and a fit for slam zone
After 2§ – 3X : “take” by opener, new suit by responder is shortness, else 3NT or self-raise
– X : weak penalty
– 2NT : natural, positive
– Suits : six card, semi-positive
§ Pass
– X : balance cooperative takeout
2NT : FG
– Cue-bid : two suit
– jump 4M (theirs) : natural
§ ¨
– X : takeout
Pass : penalty double or a balanced hand not suitable for a notrump bid or takeout
Double; reopening double by weak hand: takeout, others natural
§ 2M
– X : Penalty
– XX : three or more controls
– 2 X : natural, six or more cards, Q107642 or better
– 2NT and higher : as without interference