Source:ACBL Dictionary
Howard Schenken of New York City, real estate investor, bridge author and columnist. Considered by many to be best player of all time. Member ACBL Hall of Fame. Credited with introduction of several aspects of playing technique and deceptive play that are now standard. That plus the Weak Two-bid, the forcing Two-Over-One, the prepared opening bid (“anticipation”), and other bidding devices helped to establish him as a force to be reckoned with. Schenken’s Raymond Club team, 1927-1929, first successfully broke the reign of the established men’s clubs in tournament competition. Occasional appearances with Four Horsemen and Bid-Rite teams. Helped found Four Aces, participated in their long series of victories including the victory over the French European champions in 1935, first official World Championship. Then came a winning tour of Europe in pair matches with Michael T. Gottlieb, the next year.
Won Bermuda Bowl 1950, 51, 53; represented U.S. in World Team Olympiad 1960, and North America in Bermuda Bowl 1961, 63, 65. Won Life Master Pairs 1931, 33, 34, 41, 43; Spingold 1934, 36, 38, 39, 43, 45, 48, 50, 52, 60; Vanderbilt 1934, 35, 37, 38, 46, 50, 55, 56, 57, 64. Other national wins include Master Individual 1932, Mixed Teams 1935, Men’s Teams 1949, Mixed Pairs 1957, Chicago 1957, 63; Reisinger 1968. He was 2nd in national events 19 times. ACBL Board Member, IBPA honorary member 1973. Writings include Four Aces System of Contract Bridge, Better Bidding in Fifteen Minutes and Howard Schenken’s Big Club and Education of a Bridge Player. Took over Four Aces syndicated bridge column 1943. In 1957 he merged it with Richard L. Frey’s to become co-author of the longest continuously published nationally syndicated bridge feature. Became sole author of column 1970. Contributing editor, Bridge Encyclopedia.