Adam (b. 1960) of New York City is a software engineer for Google, Inc. All his best results were accomplished while using the Kaplan-Sheinwold bidding system co-created by Adam’s bridge hero, Edgar Kaplan. Adam runs a mailing list dedicated to discussing the system — subscription info is available on his web site, He’s the author of the "Keller" convention described by partner Steve Nellissen in the February 1991 Bridge World. He is a member of the ACBL Laws Commission and NABC Appeals Committee and serves as a casebook commentator for the ACBL, the EBU, and the WBU. He’s also a member of the ITT Conditions of Contest committee. Adam has written for The Bridge World, Bridge Today, and the ACBL Bulletin. His play is influenced by his study of Objectivism, the philosophy of Ayn Rand.