strong pass system MOSCITO strong pass system |
Paul Marston |
Stephen Burgess |
Pass=13+HcP,any distribution 1§=8-12HcP,4+© 1¨=8-12HcP,4+ª,0-3© 1©=*0-7HcP,ANY *0-9HcP,No 4card MAJOR 1ª=9-12HcP,2344,3244 1NT=9-12HcP,3334,3343 2§=9-12HcP,5+§ 2¨=9-12HcP,5+¨ 2©=8-12HcP,2-suiter §+¨ or ©+ª 2ª=8-12HcP,2-suiter ¨+© or §+ª 2NT=8-12HcP,2-suiter §+© or ¨+ª 3§¨©ª=Preemptive 3NT=7card minor,Good 4§=10-14HcP,7-8©,Namyats convention 4¨=10-14HcP,7-8ª,Namyats convention 4©ª=Preemptive |
Pass=13+HcP,any distribution 1§=8-12HcP,4+© 1¨=8-12HcP,4+ª,0-3© 1©=*0-7HcP,ANY *0-9HcP,No 4card MAJOR 1ª=8-12HcP,unbal,No MAJOR 1NT=9-12HcP,No good MAJOR 2§=8-12HcP,2-suit,ª+§ 2¨=8-12HcP,2-suit,ª+¨ 2©=8-12HcP,2-suit,ª+© 2ª=8-12HcP,any 6 carder 2NT=8-12HcP,2-suiter *4+© + a minor *§+¨ 3§¨©ª=Preemptive 3NT=7card minor,Good 4§=10-14HcP,7-8©,Namyats convention 4¨=10-14HcP,7-8ª,Namyats convention 4©ª=Preemptive |
Leads(suit): A=AKx(x) K=AK,KQx(x) Q=QJx(x) J=JTx(x),KJTx(x) 10=T9x(x),AT9x(x), KT9x(x),QT9x(x) 9=Short,Top of nothing Hi-x=2 or 5/6 cards Lo-x=3 or 4 cards Leads(NT): A=AKx(x),Aqx(x),Ax(x) K=Asks for unblock or count Q=QJTx(x),QJ9x(x),KQJx(x) J=JTx(x),AQJx(x),KQJx(x) 10=T9x(x),AJTx(x),KJTx(x) 9=AT9x(x),KT9x(x),QT9x(x) or Top of nothing Hi-x=Count Lo-x=Count |
Signals to partners lead:
Signals to declarers lead:
Playing Pass systems |
Some think they cannot play pass systems because they have been forbidden in their home-country.
To that – All kind of systems and features are allowed in major events like Bermuda Bowl.
Such regulations are a guard for poor players who are afraid of learning the facettes of their sport. The regulators are doing a poor job.
On WEB we don’t have any regulators – so please enjoy and for those who don’t play such themselves – take the opportunity to learn new facettes of your defense skills.