Rabbi’s rule Raise Raise in responders suit Raiser Rebidable suit Rebids Rebids in original suit Rectifying the count Red Red and black Gerber Red dot Redouble Re-entry Reid convention Reith point count Relay systems Relays over weak two-bids Remainders Remove Renege Renounce Reopen the bidding Repo Re-raise Rescue Rescue bid Resock, rewind Responders rebid Response Responses over opponents takeout double Responses to overcalls Responsive double Restricted choice Retain the lead Revaluation Reverse Reverse count Reverse discards Reverse Drury Reverse Flannery Reverse sequense lead Reverse Swiss Reversing dummy Revolving discards Rex bridge R-H 4NT convention Ripo Ripstra Robertson point-count Robinson Rockcrusher Rolling Blackwood Rolling Gerber Roman asking bids Roman Blackwood Roman discards, signals Roman Gerber Roman jump overcall Roman Keycard Blackwood Roman leads Roman mud Roman two diamonds Romex Stayman Romex trump asking bid RONF Rope and Ropi Rosenkranz double Roth asking bid Roth defense to One Notrump Roth point-count Roth-Stone Astro Round hand Rounded Rubens advances Rubin transfers Rubinsohl Rusinow leads