
Most fine student of Tawny, Little bell, the utopisti and more in general terms of the political and religious thought of Five-1600’s. To Turin he before taught History of the political doctrines in the course of bachelor in political Sciences of the Faculty of Jurisprudence, then in the Faculty of political Sciences.

Historian of the political doctrines (Turin 1915-Turin 1989). Bachelor in Jurisprudence in 1937 with a thesis on Tommaso Little bell in the unit of its political, philosophical and religious thought written under the guide of Solar, that it will give beginning to an uninterrupted activity of search on the work of the monaco calabrian, that includes also theBibliography of written of Tommaso Little bell(1940) promoted from the Academy of Sciences of Turin in III the anniversary of the dead women, and that will extend to the entire history of the utopy. Ordinary from 1957 of History of the political doctrines to Turin, before in the Faculty of Jurisprudence and then in that one of political Sciences, will dedicate its studies to the history of the political doctrines, with particular attention for the season between Rinascimento and Controriforma (with contributions on Machiavelli, Moor, Erasmo, Botero, Boccalini and many others) and for the classics of the Italian political thought also of posterior ages (Beccaria, Pays, Nitti, Cross, Einaudi). For Utet publisher he has coordinated the more important necklace than “Classics of the political thought” that is appeared in the post-war period and the History of the economic and social political ideas.

Modern and contemporary history


“The dioscuri of Solar”: Luigi Firpo and Norberto Bobbio

If in the within of the history of the political thought the scientist of politics Gaetano Moscow operated profitablely, sicialian, university professor to Turin from the last years of XIX the century to 1924 (with interruptions the due to onerous extrauniversity responsibilities), decisive was along instruction of already remembered Gioele the Solar ones. Between the many its students, we will point out here to those who have been calls “the dioscuri to you of Solar”, Luigi Firpo and Norberto Bobbio.

Most fine student of Tawny, Little bell, the utopisti and more in general terms of the political and religious thought of Five-1600’s (but was interested also of the 1700’s, and occasionally he took care himself of Marx), untiring hunter – and discoverer – of witnesses and smaller or disowned personages, Luigi Firpo was the filologo most rigorous incontentabile and. Celebre for impeccable editions from he cured, escaped again from the total reconstructions, preferring to explore fields circumscribed in their aspects multiforms. It above all thought that it had to study not only the political doctrines of systematic character, but also (and) “less the ambitiouses `thoughts’” taking risks themselves in the “ribollente magma of the ideas”. It taught before for many years in the course of bachelor in political Sciences of the Faculty of Jurisprudence, then in the Faculty of political Sciences, risen in 1969 also thanks to its assets to strive itself.

Heir and rielaboratore of the lesson of Solar, Ruffini, of Gobetti, neighbor to the liberal Socialism of Carl Rosselli, and more still to the liberalsocialismo of Aldo Capitini and Guido Calogero, member of the Action Party, Norberto Bobbio became in the years after the Second World War, to Turin, the same symbol of that lay culture, democratic, antifascist who shared with Gallant Garrone and Venturi. He taught Philosophy of the right from the chair that had been of Solar, then Philosophy of politics (1972-79). Of detached importance they are its history studies of the political thought, lead with courageous will to distinguish, to specify, to clear, which s’ it accompanied a constant theoretical engagement. The thinker which she dedicated herself more assiduously was Thomas Hobbes; but beside Hobbes they figure Pufendorf, Locke, Kant, Hegel, Cattaneo. The volume of 1971 that collects the tests on Cattaneo door the title it amilitant philosophy, expression that can be applied to the same Bobbio. Repeatedly it faced – without being Marxist – the thought of Marx, characterizing some is the serious limits is the undeniable genius; to case it did not entitle a its volumeNeither with Marx neither against Marx(1997). To Bobbio we also must a limpidideological Profile of the 1900’s Italian(1986), in which firmly it supported the absolute incompatibilità between fascismo and culture. A fan derived some debate with retorts not lacking in valid reasonings.

The ideological Profile of Bobbio us immette in the searches on the contemporary age, than beginning from years sixty began to multiply itself with special attention to the fascismo, the antifascism, the Resistance, the second world war, the problems of the post-war period, the movement laborer. In Italy the first contemporary History instruction had been instituted to Florence in 1950 near the Faculty of political Sciences “Cesar Flagmen”. Contemporary History instructions were instituted to Turin in the years sixty near the Faculty of Jurisprudence and Faculty of Mastery. The Letter Faculty had to attend until 1970. Gradually the studies have come proliferando, and currently we are of forehead to one production too much plentiful end. Even if in a huge size therefore they do not lack, com’ is unavoidable, the modest jobs, numerous they are the books and the tests of high level. What that as well as more deserves than to be appreciated how much the more is spreading in our country a pseudohistoriography controversy roughly crowded of presuntuosi amateurs who autoproclamano historians or is corrivamente credits to you like such from average obliging.

An express signal, at last, on the editrici houses. The first place is up to the publishing houseEinaudithat, opened to wide horizons since its foundation in 1933, from according to post-war period in then it has introduced the better Italian and foreign storiografica production. Bloch, Braudel, Febvre, Gerschenkron, Hazard, Lefebvre, Stone are only some of the great translate foreign authors nearEinaudi. And near Einaudi they are appeared the volumes of the1700’s reformerof Lucks, the monumental biography of Mussolini due to Renzo De Felice, theHistory of the Italian Communist Partyof Paul Spriano. Most famous theHistory of Italy, than is giovata and giova of one team of collaborators of international reputation; it began to exit in 1972 and is still in publication course. Without to neglect the contributions it brings to you from the publishing houseLoescher, from theStampedpublishing houseBoringhieri, theSIX(International Publishing Company), is necessary to emphasize the initiatives of theUTETabove all (Turinese Typographical-Publishing Union) with the necklaces “Classics of the political thought”, “Classics of the historiography” and “History of Italy”.

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