Source: La Gazzetta dello Sport – machinetranslated

Norberto Bocchi
41 years, Parmesan. World Grand Master and European Grand Master. It plays in brace with George Duboin. With the Team Lavazza di Torino: eight times Italian champion to Squares (’86 – ’91 – ’96 – ’97 – ’98 – 2000 – 2001 – 2002), three in Compound (’85 – ’88 – ’91), six in the Goblet Italy (’84 – ’86 – ’90 – ’91 – ” 98), a title world-wide it in the Rosenblum Cup (2002). For ten years to the first place of it classifies it characterizes them of the Italian players, in blue, has gained two times the MEC to Braces (’89 – ’96), a silver always in Braces (’99), four Samples European Squares to you (’97 – ’99 – 2001 – 2002), and the gold to the Olympic Games (2000). In its medagliere also three first places to the Nationals Americans (Reisinger 2000, Spingold 2001 – 2002), two in the Forbo Teams (2001 – 2002), one to the Politiken World Pairs (2000) and to the Australian Summer Not (2001).

George Duboin
43 years, Turinese. World Grand Master and European Grand Master. Its partner é Norberto Bocchi. Between best the junior one of the world, he has conquered a first place in the MEC to Squares (’79), a title European it (’80), and two tito them Italian ones to Squares (’78 – ’84). With the National Open he has gained three gold in the MEC to Braces (’85 – ’87 – ’96), one in Squares (’83), four in the Europeans to Squares (’97 – ’99 – 2001 – 2002), one that one to Braces (’99), a title olympic it (2000), a European in the Compound to Squares (2002). With the Team Lavazza di Torino, nine Absolutes to Squares (’82 – ’87 – ” 91 – ’96 – ’97 – ’98 – 2000 – 2001 – 2002), five Goblets Italy (’83 – ’90 – ’91 – ’97 – ’98) and the Rosenblum Cup (2002). In its palmarés also three gold in the Nationals Americans (Reisinger 2000 and Spingold 2001 – 2002), two in the Forbo Teams (2001 – 2002), one to the Politiken World Pairs (2000) and in the Australian Summer Not (2001).

Guido Ferraro
43 years, Turinese. World Life Master and European Grand Master. To Warsaw Teresa Lavazza will play in brace with Maria. In years ’80, é be one of best the junior one of Europe, with which it has gained a title continental it to Braces (’80), a silver in the MEC to Squares (’83), an Italian Championship (’84). The Victoria to the Europeans of Malta of the ’99, represents the first prestigious Open result of its career, endured followed from the olympic gold of Maastricht (2000), from the title European it of Tenerife (2001), from the title continental it to Mixed Squares (2002) and from the title world-wide it for society in the Rosenblum Cup (2002). Moreover, in 2001 she has gained the Australian Summer Not and the Forbo Teams, result, this last one, that she repeats also in the successive year. In its medagliere also one Goblet Italy (’84), five Absolutes to Squares (’83 – ’87 – ’91 – 2000 – a 2001) and title Italian it to Braces (’94).
Maria Teresa Lavazza
Turinese, she approaches herself the bridge towards the 30 years and in the’ 80 she constitutes the Lavazza Team, of which it becomes it commands and with which wins: 10 tito them absolute ones to squares open, of which 7 also like giocatrice; 6 Italy Goblets, of which 5 to the table; two tito them Italian ones in the mixed squares; a gold (2002), a silver and a bronze to Sample European Mixed Squares to you; 2 It samples Mec to you, always in the Mixed Squares, a title world-wide it (2002) in the Rosenblum international most numerous Cup and Tornei of high level. After to have been name from the FIGB vice captain of the National Open in 2000, in occasion of the Olympic Games di Maastricht, then won from the blueta, the successive year to Tenerife conquest the title continental it, covering the role of commands of the formation, enterprise that repeats also in 2002.
Lorenzo Lauria
55 years, Roman. World Grand Master and European Grand Master. Its partner is Alfredo Versace and from two seasons she supports in the Team Lavazza di Torino, after to have played over a long time span for the Angelini formation of Rome. In the 1979 its first two important succeeded in blue: the gold to European to Squares and silver in the Bermuda Bowl. Later on, always with the National one, other four tito them continental ones (’95 – ’97 – 2001 – 2002), the IOC Grand Prix (’99 – 2002), olympic gold (2000). Winner of five Goblets Italy (’74 – ’80 – ” 94 – ’96 – ’99) and of eight tito them Italian ones (’82 – ’89 – ’92 – ’93 – ’95 – ’99 – 2001 – 2002), the Cavendish Teams (’96 has moreover conquered two times – ’97), the Spingold Cup (2001 – 2002)), the Rosemblum Cup (’98 – the 2002) and Forbo Teams (2001 – 2002). Between its more meant placings to you also the first place in the Reisinger Cup (2000) and in the Australian Summer Not (2001).

Alfredo Versace
33 years, Turinese. World Grand Master and European Grand Master. Its partner is Lorenzo Lauria. E’ be one of strongest juniores of the world and, after various years passes to you to Rome, playing for the Angelini square, from two seasons é returned in the row of the Team Lavazza di Torino. In the category juniores it has won Samples European Squares to you of ‘the 92 and MEC to Braces of the ’93. With the National Open, it has conquered four tito them continental ones (’95 – ’97 – 2001 – 2002), two IOC Grand Prix (’99 – 2002), an olympic gold (2000), an European Compound to Squares (2002). Winner of five Goblets Italy (’90 – ’91 – ” 94 – ’96 – ’99) and of eight tito them Italian ones (’85 – ’88 – ’91 – ’93 – ’95 – ’99 – 2001 – 2002). In its palmarés also two victories in the Cavendish Teams (’96 – ’97), in the Spingold Cup (2001 – 2002)), in the Rosemblum Cup (’98 – 2002) and in the Forbo Teams (2001 – 2002). It has, moreover, gained the Reisinger Cup (the 2000) and Australian Summer Not (2001).
Exclusive interviews in order to better know our champions of the world
Maria Teresa Lavazza
Maria Teresa Lavazza the only woman in Europe to the guide of one national open, the only captain in the world to having, with the own square, always won. Five years of superpower and a single neo, if one may use the expression, in its exceptional career: the silver to samples to you world-wide of Montecarlo.
Strong-willed person and, for its admission, hard and authoritarian – although its physical aspect a minimally androgynous image is very lungi to offer – Maria Teresa é one woman often accustomed to win. But every its conquest é never not arrived for case, é always be pursued with great costanza, seriousness and engagement, quality these that, before demanding them to the others, it demands to them from if same.
“I know It, I have a difficult character sure, even if with passing of the years I am improving. A time, as an example, I was the much irascibile one, hour I think more reflecting calm and. My rages, however, are always of short duration and they are not never transformed in rancor: resentment and hatred are feelings denied to you that I have not never tried”
“Who knows to you well, thinks that you are also a woman much good and generous… characteristic that badly is perhaps adapted to a “condottiero”…”
“They are not in agreement, indeed. With the single severità it is not gone from no part. In the sport, like in the life, when it is worked with a group, when é demanded to you to manage a group and to pursue of it objects to you common important, esteem and respect are indispensable, and you can obtain them single engaging a lot to you in that you make and still giving more, from the human point of view”
“E’ this the secret of your victories”
“We say that é one important member. The fact that my boys are, bridgisticamente speaking, of the true and own phenomena, if from a point of view é a certain advantage, from an other, that more closely legacy to the so-called “dressing room”, can be a handicap. Insomma, the usual history of too many galliums in a hen house. Facilitated the possession to that to make with of the true and own professionals, I think of having the merit of to have succeeded to create an exceptional group, with an enormous spirit of square, that it goes very beyond the single individualities. The choice and all that you obtain it alone with the esteem, the respect and, task not to exaggerate, with the affection mutual. Even if, I must admit it, in some moments é be at all easy to pass over to situations that have disturbed much to me, you as an example see the unexpected passage of Lorenzo and Alfredo to the Angelini team. For the good of the square, me they are but it sets up, when I dress the blue mesh, to forget my last name… operation that, fortunately, comes to me somewhat spontaneous”
“And instead, what hung you more when you cover the role of commands”
“The choice of the four that of time in time must come down in field: you not only must try to make to play those that, at the moment, you think are more in shape and less stressed, but also to serenely make yes that the excluded brace chip axes the turn over. If the technical increase of Fantoni and Nunes é be an enormous advantage for the Italy – nobody to the world can today count on three braces of this level – é equally true that involves for the selezionatore chosen particularly suffered, like é happened in the last one round of the World-wide one”
“Within Lauria-Versace and Fantoni-Nunes and outside Bocchi-Duboin”
“É dealt of one chosen based above all on the deep acquaintance that I have of my players: of they I know force perfectly and weaknesses, intuisco when they are it tires, stressed or too much reatti… Alfredo, Norberto and Giorgino to you I have seen them to grow and are for me like of the sons. I have, moreover, learned to listen to them and, in that specific occasion, Norberto outside preferred to be because she did not feel herself to sufficiently serene place completely and. We say that its great maturity and professionalities have facilitated to me”
“And of sure she has facilitated to you in your job of captain, the presence of “chioccia” Massimo Ortensi…”
“That one of Massimo é be one of the best choices of my life. E’ an optimal technician, an irreplaceable collaborator, a worker indefesso – the tasks of technical and organizational character totally raise me from all – but above all a thickness man. Between we it exists great friendship and spirit of collaboration. He is I, I am the boys we estimate it very many. Our victories are also merit of its exceptional ability to de-dramatize the situations and to always dispense to serenity and joy”
“After many victories you do not feel yourself little demotivata”
“This é sure a problem that I do not have. More games and more you win and more you want to win. It is not never felt to us satisfies to you. It wants to continue to win, always and in every occasion, even in the very small local torneo, it never does not abandon to you. Even the emotions that tests remain immutate. Only one habit, for at all healthy other, é changed with accumulateing itself of the experiences: a time nottate the pre-contest often I passed to them in white man, today I sleep badly only after a lost encounter… therefore, for my fortune, very rarely!”