
That occurred to Deauville, at the time of the festival in 1988!

At the time I accompanied the Belgian team and I scorais at the time of rowed.

Paul CHEMLA agreed to devote me a few minutes of maintenance before the last meeting of Patton.

– Mr CHEMLA, of when date your passion for the charts and the bridge in particular?

– Eh well, of the year when I prepared the aggregation of letters at the Higher Teacher training school; I started to play the Cut of the Schools in years 68, I were 24 years old.

– Do you Think that the agreement with a partner is a paramount element for the success with the bridge?

– Obviously, it is the base even success.

If two partners do not get along, they are not likely any to succeed together.

Now, is it essential to get along apart from the bridge? There are examples of pairs which succeeded very well while being excellent friends as others which made excellent pairs without having particular friendly bonds between them.

For example, JET – TREZEL which made an imposing pair in France during ten years, each one knows that they did not have any friendship one for the other.

– Would you Plan to make of a woman your partner?

– For the open competitions?

– Yes.

– Not. Finally in the current state of the female bridge, not. But I am not sectarian, if a woman one day arrived at the highest level in the scale of the bridge, certainly, yes, why not.

– And you think that it is possible?

– Intellectually there is no reason that that is not it but practically one returns account well that it of it is nothing.

– In Belgium, the champions say that the women erudite step and will never know.

– Ah not, me I do not say that they will never know.

– Ah!

– I simply say that in the current state of the bridge, they erudite step, indeed (burst of laughter).

– Which is, according to you, the best bridge player currently?

– In France, we have some very good players. Yes, I see that in the rising generation the largest high-speed motorboat it is the small Catherine SAUL (currently Of OVIDIO), who seems to play an at the same time aggressive and reasonable bridge.

Now, my partner is Ginette CHEVALLEY with which I play already since years with tops and bottoms. I find that it plays very well when it wants to try hard of it, it too. There are 3 or 4 players who dominate the French bridge.

– What do you think of our Belgian players, the international ones (of which moumou) that you met several times?

– I do not have to say much on them, I did not meet them so much often (!). I see that they succeeded very well here in Deauville. Apparently, they seem to play well, yes. You know, it is very difficult to judge players whom one very often does not practise.

– Do you Fear the young wolves, that they are French, Dutch or different or, if you had time, you would be laid out with the écoler?

– I do not fear them, I cannot say that I fear them. I wish them contrary to progressing and to reach the 1st rank of the international players. I find that it is in the logic of the things. What one can fear in France, it is rather the opposite; it is that they are not sufficiently strong. It is not their rise which I fear but the fact that they do not manage to ensure… the changing.

– Which council could you give the initial players, with the women in particular?

– I believe that it is necessary, when one plays bridge, to be able to abstract itself from the problems which one can have in addition. With my opinion, therefore the men, in general, for the moment succeed better than the women. Because a woman is always worried: of its personal life, of his/her children, of all, whereas a man, when it plays bridge, manages to make close-cropped table of his concerns to devote itself exclusively to the play. I would say that the man is less adult than the woman and consequently it is more available for the play.

– Mr CHEMLA, I so pleasantly thank you for having answered my questions and I wish you good success in the tournament of this afternoon.

P.S: CHEMLA and its team gained indeed Patton de Deauville.